“Yu-Gi-Oh!” is an exciting trading card game based on the manga and anime series of the same name. Players use cards with various monsters, spells and traps to challenge their opponents. With strategic thinking and clever card management, players try to reduce their opponent’s life points to zero. With thousands of cards and endless possibilities, “Yu-Gi-Oh!” offers a captivating mix of strategy and tactics.
Pokemon Tournament presented by
Format: played in standard format according to current rules:
- You need your own Yugioh deck to participate
- There is also the possibility to swap cards
- Registration and the tournament will take place in the TCG Area
- Prizes: Prize Packs for Yugioh
- The prizes are provided by Play Kingdom.
- Registration for the Yugioh tournament on site in the TCG Area!
- The tournament takes place on Saturday and Sunday at 13:00.